April 26, 2024

The Actual Cost Of Hearing Aids – Forbes Health – Forbes


Hearing aids are typically sold bundled together with professional services, which means everything is included in the sticker price. The price you’re quoted includes the retail price of the hearing aids and the professional audiology services required to fit and program the devices, as well as repair and maintain them for a specified period of time—often two to four years. In some cases, initial diagnostic testing is offered free or included in the bundled price.


Hearing aids are typically sold bundled together with professional services, which means everything is included in the sticker price. The price you’re quoted includes the retail price of the hearing aids and the professional audiology services required to fit and program the devices, as well as repair and maintain them for a specified period of time—often two to four years. In some cases, initial diagnostic testing is offered free or included in the bundled price.

“Patients require follow-up visits when they get hearing aids,” says Galatioto. With the bundled service model, you can visit the audiologist as often as you need to fine-tune your hearing aids and the fit, as well as maintain and repair them as needed, at no additional cost. Some providers, however, limit the number of appointments in a given time period.

Hearing aids can also be sold  “unbundled”—or without professional services included. “Unbundling” is an emerging trend, especially with proposed regulations from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding over-the-counter hearing aids and the possible expansion of Medicare to include coverage for hearing aids and related services. With the unbundled model, you buy the hearing aids separately from any related services.

The unbundled price may also include one or two follow-up office visits, after which you pay out  of pocket for each audiology office visit. “With the unbundled service model, there’s less cost upfront, but depending on the number of visits you need, you may pay as much as the bundled service model,” says Galiatioto.

Everything starts with an audiogram, which is a hearing test performed by a licensed audiologist. A diagnostic audiogram is typically covered by private health insurance (but check your specific policy for more details). It can help determine if your hearing loss is age-related or caused by a medical condition that requires further follow-up care and treatment.

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